Articles of Organization (New York)
These are articles of organization for a professional service limited liability company in New York. The form provided here is simply a sample of what the actual Form DOS-1374 looks like.
New York State
Department of State
Division of Corporations, State Records
and Uniform Commercial Code
Albany, NY 12231
(This form must be printed or typed in black ink)
____________________________________ (Insert name of Professional Service Limited Liability Company)
Under Section 1203 of the Limited Liability Company Law
FIRST: The name of the professional service limited liability company
is: ____________________________________
SECOND: (Attach the appropriate certificates from the licensing authority.) The professional service limited liability company shall practice the profession(s)
of: ____________________________________
THIRD: The county within this state in which the office of the professional service limited liability company is to be located
is: ____________________________________
FOURTH: The Secretary of State is designated as agent of the professional service limited liability company upon whom process against it may be served. The address within or without this state to which the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process against the professional service limited liability company served upon him or her
is: ____________________________________
FIFTH: (optional) The future effective date, which does not exceed 60 days from the date of filing,
is: ____________________________________
SIXTH: The names and residence addresses of all individuals who are to be the original members and the original managers, if any,
are: ____________________________________
SEVENTH: (If no residence address please list the business address.) The names and residence addresses of all shareholders, directors, officers, members, managers and partners of all professional service corporations, foreign professional service corporations, professional service limited liability companies, foreign professional service limited liability companies, registered limited liability partnerships, foreign limited liability partnerships and professional partnerships who are to be the original members or managers, if any, who are individuals of such limited liability company, are:
____________________________________ (Signature)
____________________________________ (Name and capacity of signer)
(Insert name of Professional Service Limited Liability Company)
Under Section 1203 of the Limited Liability Company Law
Filed by: ____________________________________ (Name)
____________________________________ (Mailing address)
____________________________________ (City, State and ZIP code)
• Section 1203(c)(1) requires a certified copy of the articles of organization be filed with the licensing authority within 30 days after the filing with the Department of State.