Application For Reinstatement Following Administrative Dissolution/Revocation (Tennessee)
This is an application for reinstatement following administrative dissolution/revocation in Tennessee. The form provided here is simply a sample of what the actual Form SS 4439 looks like.
For Office Use Only
Corporate Filings
312 Eighth Avenue North
6th Floor, William R. Snodgrass Tower
Nashville, TN 37243
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 48-24-203 or Section 48-25-303 of the Tennessee Business Corporation Act or Section 48-64-203 or Section 48-65-303 of the Tennessee Nonprofit Corporation Act, this application is submitted to the Office of the Secretary of State, State of Tennessee, for reinstatement.
1. The name of the corporation is _____________________
(Name change if applicable) _____________________
2. The effective date of its administrative dissolution/revocation is
_____________________ (must be month, day, and year).
3. The ground(s) for the administrative dissolution/revocation
____ did not exist.
____ has/have been eliminated.
[NOTE: Please mark the applicable box.]
4. The corporate name as listed in number one (1) satisfies the requirements of Tennessee Code Annotated Section 48-14-101 or 48-54-101, as appropriate.
5. The corporation control number as assigned by the Secretary of State, if known is
[NOTE (APPLIES TO FOR-PROFIT CORPORATIONS ONLY): Prior to this document being accepted for filing, the Division of Business Services will request tax clearance verification from the Tennessee Department of Revenue that the business has properly filed all reports and paid all required taxes and penalties. If we cannot obtain such tax clearance verification from the Department of Revenue, this document will be rejected and returned to the applicant.]
Signature Date _____________________
Name of Corporation _____________________
Signer's Capacity _____________________
Signature _____________________
Name _____________________ (typed or printed)