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Certificate Of Change (New York)

This is a certificate of change of a limited liability company in New York. The form provided here is simply a sample of what the actual Form DOS-1359 looks like.

NYS Department of State
Division of Corporations, State Records and UCC
41 State Street, Albany, NY 12231-0001


(Insert name of Domestic Limited Liability Company)

Under Section 211-A of the Limited Liability Company Law

FIRST: The name of the limited liability company is:


If the name of the limited liability company has been changed, the name under which it was formed

is: _____________________________________

SECOND: The articles of organization were filed with the Department of State

on: _____________________________________

THIRD: The change(s) effected hereby are:[check appropriate box(es)]

____ The county location, within this state, in which the office of the limited liability company is located,

is changed to: _____________________________________

____ The address to which the Secretary of State shall forward copies of process accepted on behalf of the limited liability company

is changed to: _____________________________________

____ The limited liability company hereby: [check one]

____ Designates _____________________________________ as its registered agent upon whom process against the limited liability company may be served.

____ Changes the designation of its registered agent to:


____ Changes the address of its registered agent to:


____ Revokes the authority of its registered agent.

____________________________________ (Signature)

____________________________________ (Type or print name)

____________________________________ (Title or capacity of signer)


(Insert name of Domestic Limited Liability Company)

Under Section 211-A of the Limited Liability Company Law

Filed by: ____________________________________ (Name)

____________________________________ (Mailing address)

____________________________________ (City, State and ZIP code)

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